


  1. Account/Server list.

  2. X:UO Folder Path where to install or find CrossUO installation. You can have multiples installations with diferent versions, when changing and Check Updates is checked, if any update is available then the launcher will go directly to the Update tab.

  3. Path selector to set the CrossUO Folder.

  4. Check Updates Automatically check for updates in the current X:UO Folder.

  5. Command line Additional commands passed to the client on launch.

  6. Auto login Auto login in the game server.

  7. Save password Save password for next session.

  8. Save aero (for assistant) (Windows only) disable/enable aero.

  9. Run UOAM (Windows only) Run UO Auto Map in conjunction with the client. The map must be in the folder with the UO Client files. File path: /Map/EnhancedMap.exe.

  10. Fast login Automatically enter the game when the client starts.

  11. Launch Launch the client with selected parameters.

  12. Close after launch Close the launcher after the client starts.


  1. Name Profile name for current account/server settings.

  2. Address Server IP or Address. Format: address,port; Example:,2593

  3. Account Your login.

  4. Password Your password.

  5. Show password display your password while enabled.

  6. Client Path Ultima Online install folder where to find data files.

  7. Version Client Version number to emulate (based on the shard requirements).

  8. Type Client Type/Era to emulate (based on the shard requirements).

  9. Use Crypt Enable/disable protocol cryptography.

  10. Use proxy Use a proxy server when connecting.

  11. List of saved proxy servers.

  12. Add new Add current setting as a new configuration.

  13. Save Save current selected settings.

  14. Remove Delete selected configuration.



  1. Proxy Server List

  2. Name Name of proxy server.

  3. Address IP-address of proxy server.

  4. Port Port of proxy server.

  5. SOCKS5 Use SOCKS5 proxy (with authorization).

  6. Account Account for authorization on the proxy server.

  7. Password Password for authorization on the proxy server.

  8. Show password Display your password while enabled.

  9. Add new Add a new proxy server with the entered data.

  10. Save Save selected proxy server.

  11. Remove Delete selected proxy server.



  1. Available Updates List of files available for updating.

  2. Download progress.

  3. Check New Versions Force fetch information from the server about new updates.

  4. Apply Updates Apply current listed updates.

  5. Packages / Versions Different available versions or backups.

  6. Show Changelog Show latest changelog.

  7. Use Selected Version Download selected package.

X:UO Assist Features


  1. List of adjustable options:

    Corpses autoopen Automatically opens new nearby corpse.

    Stealth steps counter Counts steps while in stealth.

    Sound filter Filter of sounds.

    Light filter Filter of day and night.

    Weather filter Filter of weather changes.

    Season filter Disable season effects.

    No death screen Disables black screen on death (your screen will still become gray when you're a ghost).

    Auto open doors Automatically opens closed doors.

    Tracker Displays quest arrow after death. It'll show you direction to your corpse.



    Fast rotation Accelerates a rotation of the character.

    Recurse search Container search is recursive by default (search in packages).

    Autostart Invoke Autostart function (from scripts) when entering the game.

    Ignore staminacheck Ignoring the client stamina check when passing through the characters.

    Party agent Use of party agent.

    Shop agent Use of shop agent.

    Tray icon Minimize the assistant window in system tray.

  1. List of adjustable groups of script commands:

    Information Info/InfoTile/InfoMenu commands.

    Text window Text box commands.

    Containers search Searching objects in the containers, FindType/FindList commands.

    Ground search Searching objects on the ground, FindType/FindList commands.

    Moving Character's move commands in the world.

    Resend Server Synchronisation Command.

    Journal Use of journal commands.

    Rename mounts RenameMount command.

    Buy Auto-buy commands.

    Sell Auto-sell commands.

    Hide Command to hide objects from the screen, Hide command.

    Move items Commands for moving items, MoveItem/Drop/DropHere.

    Morph Transformation into a creature, Morph command.

    Emote actions Emotion reproduction, EmoteAction command.

    Find/Ignore types Ability to use FindType search commands and Ignore / IgnoreReset object ignoring commands.

    Find arrays Use of search list, FindList command.

    Client options Commands for obtaining and setting client options.

    Corpse search Use of corpse objects search, FindType/FindList commands.

    Extended menu Advanced commands for working with the menu.

    Buffs Use of Buffs commands.

    Trading Use of Trade window commands.

    Friend list Use of friend list commands.

    Enemy list Use of enemy list commands.

    Font color Commands for changing the font color.

    Extended target tile Commands for auto-detecting the type of tiles when using targets.

  1. Output code for emulator - For which emulator to generate the code. The code is generated when the type is switched.

  1. The generated code for adjusting the options and commands of the assistant.


Options tab 2


  1. Debug options - output debugging information to the window;

    • No debug - do not display information about debugging

    • FPS only - Отображать только количество FPS;

    • Debugging - Show debugging information (fps count, scale , loaded object amount e.t.c).

  2. FPS rate - Desired fps count (Actual may differ from the one indicated here under heavy loads and / or at a slow video card).

  3. Reduce FPS when UO window is unactive - Урезать ФПС если окно неактивно.

  4. Standard characters animation delay - Standard delay between changing frames of living being animations.

  5. Standard items animation delay - The standard delay between changing frames of inanimated objects.

  6. Use scaling in game window - use scaling of game window (test version).

  7. Remove object's text with alpha-blending - text deleting with alpha blending (smooth text removal).

  8. Draw characters status mode - show character status in the world:

    • No draw - do not show;

    • Above character (Text) - Show above character (displayed with text);

    • Under character (Line) - Show under character (gump with hp line).

    Draw characters status condition - conditions for character status display:

    • Always - always display;

    • HP <> MaxHP - Display only if hp is not equal to max.(more or less);

    • HP lower % - hp is lower of displayed % of max.

  9. Change trees to stumps - trees will be replaced with stumps;

  10. Marking cave tiles - caved tiles;

  11. Hide vegetation - hide vegetation;

  12. No fields animation - inanimate fields;

  13. Lock gumps moving - Ability to block accidental closing or moving of certain types of gump. When the option is on and Ctrl + Alt is pressed, locks appear on the available gumps. Green - gump not locked, red - blocked;

  14. Chat need press 'Enter' to activate it - For chat activation press enter;

  15. Hidden characters display mode - display mode of hidden characters:

  • Original - without changes;

  • With alpha-blending, alpha - uses alpha-blending, value is configurable;

  • With spectral color - uses spectral color;

  • With special spectral color - uses special spectral color;

  1. Change hidden characters mode only for your person - changes hidden characters only for yourself;

  2. Transparent spell icons, alpha - use transparency for cast icons. level is configurable;

  3. Old style maximized statusbar - in new client maximied statusbar is shown from old client gump;

  4. Original party statusbar gump - replace party statusgroup to basic;

  5. Colorize characters by state - colorize characters based on state (poisoned, paralyzed);

  6. Change animated fields to tiles - change fields to tiles;

  7. Add paperdoll slots - add slots to paperdoll for small things;

  • Scale images in slots - scale objects on paperdoll (test version);

  1. Remove statusbars without objects - remove statusbar,whose objects cannot be seen

  2. Show console entry mode under game window - console entry mode under game window;

  3. Draw aura under characters mode -draw aura under character:

  • Never - never show;

  • Only in war mode - show only if war mode is on

  • Always - always show.

  1. Draw aura only if Ctrl pressed - draw aura if Ctrl is pressed;

  2. Screenshots format - screen format:

  • BMP;

  • PNG;

  • TIFF;

  • JPEG (by using this type, there might be crashes).

  1. Remove or new draw objects displaying with use blending - smoothly remove/draw world objects/statics with alpha-blending use.

  2. Draw helmets on shroud in the world - draw helmet about shroud in the world;

  3. Draw world map before all gumps - draw world map for all gumps;

  4. No draw roofs - without roof draws.

Options tab 6


  1. Coordinates of open containers/paperdoll, if option "Offset interface windows rather than perfictly stacking them" is enabled.

Options tab 7


  1. Game Window size options.

  2. Lock game window resizing - Button for window resizing will be blocked (button is changed to the lock sign).




  1. List of options:

Corpses autoopen - automatically opens new nearby corpse.

Stealth steps counter - Counts steps while in stealth.

Bards/Animal sound filter - Disables play music/animal sounds ( not working yet ).

Always light - Disable change of day and night.

Filter weather - Disable weather effects.

Filter season - Disable season effects.

No death screen - Disables black screen on death (your screen will still become gray when you're a ghost).

Open doors - Automatically opens closed doors ( not working yet ).

Corpse tracker - Displays quest arrow after death. It'll show you direction to your corpse.

Stay on top - Assistant window will always stay on top.

Fast rotation - accelerates a rotation of the character.

Recurse containers search - container search is recursive by default (search in packages).

Minimize to tray - minimise the assistant window in system tray.

  1. Assistant messages show: - What kind of assistant messages should be displayed on the screen:

  • Minimum - Errors only.

  • Medium - Errors and warnings.

  • Show all - Errors, warnings and functional messages.

  1. Search objects distance - Distance for object search on the ground.

  2. Use objects distance - Distance to use object on the ground.

  3. Open corpses distance - Distance for corpse openings.

  4. keep delay (ms) - Amount of time new corpse IDs wll stay in memory queue(for corpse opening).

  5. Wait targets delay - Default wait target delay in ms.

  6. Move items delay - Default items movement delay in ms.

  7. Use items delay - Default items usage delay in ms.

  8. Assist window opacity - Sets opacity for assistant and it's sub-windows.

  9. Save configuration - save the current configuration.


Display -> Configuration.


  1. Display data on title - Display data in clients title.

  • Disabled.

  • Textual - As text.

  • Colored textual - As coloured text.

  • Colored graphical - As coloured text with possible images.

  1. Double image if item can be stacked.

  2. Hight font - Enlarge the font when Color mode enabled.

  3. Apply notoriety color on player name - Consider the character's wickedness when Color mode enabled.

  4. Text color - The color of the text delimiters.

  5. Background color - Background color, if color is 0 - the standard system window color is used. For black color use - 000001.

  6. Insert command - Insert a command from the list.

  7. Set title from group - Replace the content of "Title data" with the template entered in the selected group.

  8. Title data - Content to display in the header.

Elements of the header can be changed in the text, using the attributes:

"text", "id", "hue", "mincolor", "midcolor", "color", "background", "bgmincolor", "bgmidcolor", "bgcolor", "minval", "midval", "%"

For instance:

Output to the header (when Colored graphical is on) "Armor: 'picture' 'value'".

Display -> Items editor


Display objects that are used to reduce the amount of visible text in the title.

All display items - are common to all the characters.

  1. The list of items to display.

  2. Name - The name of the display object.

  3. Add item - Add a new object using the entered data.

  4. Edit the selected item - Save the changes to the selected object.

  5. Delete element - delete the object.

  6. Type - The type of object to recognize it in the assistant.

  7. The text - the text to display in front of the object (not displayed when using the graphics).

  8. ID - Pictures Index of Art.mul static block.

  9. Tint - Color palette of Hues.mul.

  10. ID & Hue from the target - the specified object to the client from which you want to read information in the field of ID and Hue.

  11. with the background - there is a background behind the object.

  12. The calculation of color in the percentage - Value calculation is made in % of the maximum value (Hits: MaxHits / Mana / Stam / weight).

  13. Value - The value at which color applies to the text and background.

  14. The color of the text - color text.

  15. Background Color - background color, if you specify a 0 - the background will not be used.

Display -> Group editor


Group editor tab can be used to quickly change the title or to include certain groups of objects (For instance: reagents, scrolls, bottles) in any of the groups. Can be useful if you do not want to write these objects over and over again - just specify the group {group name} that you want to display.

All groups, which are created, can be applied to all characters.

  1. List of saved groups.

  2. Name - the name of the group.

  3. Add Group - to add a new group with the entered data.

  4. Edit selected group - to save changes to the selected group.

  5. Remove group

  6. Title data - the content of the group.


Lists -> Types


Types, for use in scripts / headers.

  1. List of types.

  2. Name - a name of the type.

  3. Add type - to add a new object with the entered data.

  4. Edit selected type - to save changes to the selected object.

  5. Remove type

  6. Type - the type in the format 0x0000.

  7. Type from target - to specify the object by using a target in the client from which you want to read the type information.

Lists -> Objects


Objects that can be applied in scripts.

  1. List of the objects.

  2. Name - a name of the object.

  3. Add object - to add a new object with the entered data.

  4. Edit selected object - to save changes to the selected object.

  5. Remove object

  6. Serial - serial of the object in the format 0x00000000.

  7. Serial from target - to specify the object by using a target in the client from which you want to read the information about the serial.

  8. Set a dress bag - to set the selected object as the dress bag.

  9. Dress bag from target - to specify the object by using a target in the client, which should be taken as a container for clothing.

  10. Unset dress bag - to remove the current dress bag.

Lists -> Find


Find lists that can be applied in scripts.

  1. List of created find lists.

  2. List of items in the find list.

  3. Name - name of the find list.

  4. Add list - to add a new list.

  5. Edit selected list - to save changes to the selected list.

  6. Remove list

  7. Graphic - Graphic of the object in the format 0x0000.

  8. Color - Color of the object in the format 0x0000.

  9. Comment - a comment to the object (optional).

  10. Add item - to add a new item to the selected list.

  11. Edit selected item - to save changes to the selected item in the selected list.

  12. Remove item - to remove the item from the selected list.

  13. Item from target - to specify the object by using a target in the client from which you want to read the information.

"Graphic" and "Color" can be specified in the form of enumerations with delimiters | ;

Additionally, you can specify some filters for them:

  • "!value" - not equal to the value
  • "<value" - less than the value
  • ">value" - more than the value

For instance:

Graphic: 0x0023 Color: >0x0010|!0x0021|!0x0032

Searching will be implemented for objects with the type 0x0023 of all colors starting from 0x0011 excluding 0x0021 and 0x0032.

Graphic: 0x042F Color: !0

Searching will be implemented for objects with the type 0x042F only if they have a color.

Lists -> Ignore


Ignore lists that can be applied in scripts.

  1. List of created ignore lists.

  2. List of items in the ignore list.

  3. Name - name of the ignore list.

  4. Add list - to add a new list.

  5. Edit selected list - to save changes to the selected list.

  6. Remove list

  7. Graphic - Graphic of the object in the format 0x0000.

  8. Color - Color of the object in the format 0x0000.

  9. Comment - a comment to the object (optional).

  10. Add item - to add a new item to the selected list.

  11. Edit selected item - to save changes to the selected item in the selected list.

  12. Remove item - to remove the item from the selected list.

  13. Item from target - to specify the object by using a target in the client from which you want to read the information.

"Graphic" and "Color" can be specified in the form of enumerations with delimiters | ;

Additionally, you can specify some filters for them:

  • "!value" - not equal to the value
  • "<value" - less than the value
  • ">value" - more than the value

For instance:

Graphic: 0x0023 Color: >0x0010|!0x0021|!0x0032

Will ignore objects with the type 0x0023 of all colors starting from 0x0011 excluding 0x0021 and 0x0032.

Graphic: 0x042F Color: !0

Will ignore objects with the type 0x042F only if they have a color.

Lists -> Friends


Friends list for use in various systems and scripts.

  1. List of the friends.

  2. Name - a name of the friend.

  3. Add friend - to add a new friend with the entered data.

  4. Edit selected friend - to save changes to the selected friend.

  5. Remove friend

  6. Serial - Serial of the "friend" character in the format 0x00000000.

  7. Serial from target - to specify the object by using a target in the client from which you want to read the information about the serial.

Lists -> Enemies


Enemies list for use in various systems and scripts.

  1. List of the enemies.

  2. Name - a name of the enemy.

  3. Add friend - to add a new enemy with the entered data.

  4. Edit selected friend - to save changes to the selected enemy.

  5. Remove enemy.

  6. Serial - Serial of the "enemy" character in the format 0x00000000.

  7. Serial from target - to specify the object by using a target in the client from which you want to read the information about the serial.

Scripts -> Hotkeys


  1. List of used hotkeys.

  2. Command prefix - in-game prefix for commands, maximum 5 characters.

  3. Pass keys to the UO client.

  4. On/Off hotkeys - to enable / disable the use of all hotkeys.

  5. On/Off hotkey - hotkey that can be used to switch On / Off mode.

  6. Hotkey

  7. Script - the name of the script from the list for use by pressing the hotkey.

  8. Add hotkey - to add a new hotkey with the entered data.

  9. Edit selected hotkey - to save changes to the selected hotkey.

  10. Remove hotkey

  11. Run one script - to prevent scripts from restarting. Only one script can be started at a time.

  12. Short script body - small editor for short scripts, to avoid creation of the small functions . Editor fully supports the functionality of the loaded script file.

Scripts -> Scripts


  1. Running scripts list - list of the running scripts.

  2. Existing scripts list - list of the existing scripts.

// - comments.

//--#text - can be used to make a visible comment (highlighted in gray) in the list of scripts and hotkeys.

  1. Start - to start the selected script.

  2. Pause - set the execution of the selected script (Running scripts list) to pause.

  3. Stop - to stop the selected script (Running scripts list).

  4. Script file path - the path to the currently loaded script file.

  5. Load the script (select in the dialog).

  6. Open script editor.

  7. Script example - link to "Scripts" section. (forum)

  8. Record script - clicking record will record your actions in game and converted to a script. (in developing)

  9. Reload script - Reload current script file (using file path from №6). All unsaved changes in current file will be lost!


Agents -> Dress


  1. List of the saved sets.

  2. Items in set - the list of the items in the selected set.

  3. Name - a name of the set.

  4. Add dress set - to add a new set with the entered data.

  5. Edit selected dress set - to save changes in the selected set.

  6. Remove dress set

  7. Undress before dressing - undress items at the current layer before dressing new clothes.

  8. Dress selected set - dress the current set.

  9. Undress (completely)

  10. Apply current equipment to set - to save the current equipment that is dressed on the character.

  11. Apply weapon and shield to set - to save weapon and shield that is dressed on the character.

  12. Apply armor to set - to save the armor that is dressed on the character (without shield).

  13. Clear set items - to clear the item list of the selected set.

  14. Item from target - to specify the object by using a target in the client from which you want to read the information about the item.

Agents -> Party


  1. List of player serials from which you will automatically accept invitations to the group.

  2. List of player serials from which you will automatically decline invitations to the group.

  3. Add player to accept list - to add a new player to the list of auto acceptance.

  4. Edit selected player in accept list - to save changes to the selected character in the auto acceptance list.

  5. Remove selected player from accept list - to remove the selected character from the auto acceptance list.

  6. Add player to decline list - to add a new player to the list of auto decline.

  7. Edit selected player in decline list - to save changes to the selected character in the auto decline list.

  8. Remove selected player from decline list - to remove the selected character from the auto decline list.

  9. Serial - serial number of the character.

  10. Name - a name of the player (to distinguish serial numbers visually)

  11. Select object from target - to specify the object by using a target in the client.

  12. Auto accept all invites - automatically accept all invitations.

  13. Auto accept invites from friends - automatically accept invitations from the players in the friends list.

  14. Auto decline all invites - automatically decline all invitations.

  15. Auto decline invites from enemies - automatically decline invitations from the players in the list of enemies.

Agents -> Shop tab


  1. Created buying/selling goods lists.

  2. Goods list name.

  3. Add new shop list.

  4. Edit selected shop list.

  5. Remove selected shop list.

  6. Edit shop list items.

  7. Auto buy - will automatically buy goods from selected list on shop buy gump opening.

  8. Buy - sends "VendorName buy" speech and buys everything from selected list.

  9. Auto sell - will automatically sell goods from selected list on shop sell gump opening.

  10. Sell - sends "VendorName sell" speech and sells everything from selected list.

  11. Vendor name - if not defined, buy/sell operations will be applied to any vendor in range.

  12. Show shopping progress bar.

  13. Max shop stacks - maximum amount of goods when selling/buying.

  14. Max total sell price.

  15. Shop delay for 1 stack in list.

  16. Timeout if shop not recv. - time-out (in seconds), which will remove buy/sell shop gump hook.



  1. List of the skills.

  2. Reset skills delta - to reset changes in skills for the current session.

  3. Copy all to clipboard - to copy information about all skills to the clipboard.

  4. Copy selected to clipboard - to copy information about about the selected skill to the clipboard.

  5. Characteristics of the character.

  6. Skills and characteristics summary


Filters -> Speech tab


List of text strings which should be filtered out and not displayed in the client.

  1. List of strings.

  2. Text that will be filtered ( case sensitive ).

  3. Color to filter by. empty, -1 or 0xFFFF - will disable color filtering.

  4. Exact matching of a string or as a part of a larger string.

  5. Add text

  6. Edit text

  7. Remove text

Filters -> Replaces tab


List of text for replacing.

  1. List of replaces.

  2. Original text ( case sensitive )

  3. Replace text

  4. Original color, empty, -1 or 0xFFFF - will disable color matching.

  5. Replace color - empty, -1 or 0xFFFF - will use original color.

  6. Type of message.

  • All


  • Unicode

  1. Mode - modes for object groups.

  • All

  • Friends&You

  • Enemies

  • Others - Everyone except for you, friends & enemies.

  1. Add text

  2. Edit tex

  3. Remove text

Filters -> Sound tab


A list of sound indices which should be ignored by the client and never played.

  1. Sound indices.

  2. Index of a sound to ignore.

  3. Name - comment/name of this ignore item.

  4. Add sound

  5. Edit sound

  6. Remove sound

Shop List Editor


  1. Goods for buy/sell list.

  2. List with vendors goods.

  3. << - Copy selected item from vendors list.

  4. Graphic - Item type. If equals -1 or 0xFFFF - it will be ignored when goods list will be analyzed to buy/sell.

  5. Color - Item color. If equals -1 or 0xFFFF - it will be ignored when goods list will be analyzed to buy/sell.

  6. Price - Maximum item price to pay when buying or minimum price when selling. If equals 0, limits won't apply.

  7. Count - Amount of items to buy from a stack. If equals 0, the entire stack will be bought.

  8. Name - Item name, if empty, this item won't be considered.

  9. Comment

  10. Add shop item

  11. Remove shop item

  12. Save changes

  13. Exit

Shop Progress Bar


  1. Progress indicator.

  2. Cancel current operation.

Ship Control


  1. Movement types.

Normal mode

One - move by 1 tile.

Slow - slowly move in chosen direction.

Round button in the middle - stop command.


This page will provide you with information about scripting for CrossUO Assistant.



Objects Searching

Command Format, [optionalParameters=defaultValue]);

flags - search filters:

  • fast - the search stops on the first found object;

  • near - search for the nearest object to the character;

  • mobile - search only for alive creatures;

  • item - search only inanimate objects;

  • human - search only for humanoid creatures, types: 0x0190-0x0193, 0x03DB, 0x03DF and 0x03E2;

  • live - search only for living creatures;

  • dead - search only for dead creatures, types: 0x0192 and 0x0193.

  • injured - Searching for a friend with lowest HP (works only for FindFriend/FindEnemy).

  • next - Searching for next object (works only for FindFriend/FindEnemy).

  • ignorefriends - ignores friends.

  • ignoreenemies - ignores enemies.

_When using human, live или dead - mobile flag is set automatically.

_When using next - fast flag is set automatically.

notoriety - Wickedness of the desired character.

  • innocent/blue

  • friendly/green

  • gray

  • criminal

  • enemy/orange

  • murderer/red

  • invulnerable/yellow

distance - The search distance.

In addition to numerical values, it can take string constants: finddistance, usedistance, opencorpsedistance.

  • void Client.UseType('graphic', ['color'=0xFFFF], ['container'=self], [recurse=true]);

Search for an object by type and color in the container.

    • graphic - Type or list of types. 0xFFFF is ignored.
    • color - The color or list of colors. 0xFFFF is ignored.
    • container - The container in which the search is performed.
    • recurse - Recursive search for sub-containers.

  • void Client.UseFromGround('graphic', ['color'=0xFFFF], ['distance'=useObjectsDistance], ['flags']);

Search for an object by type and color on the ground.

    • graphic - Type or list of types. 0xFFFF is ignored.
    • color - The color or list of colors. 0xFFFF is ignored.
    • distance - The search distance.
    • flags - Search filter flags.

  • bool Client.UseTypeList('listName', ['container'=self], [recurse=true]);

Search for an object from the find list in the container.

    • listName - The name of the find list.
    • container - The container in which the search is performed.
    • recurse - Recursive search for sub-containers.

Result: true if the object was found and used.

  • bool Client.UseFromGroundList('listName', ['distance'=useObjectsDistance], ['flags']);

Search for an object on the find list on the ground.

    • listName - The name of the find list.
    • distance - The search distance.
    • flags - Search filter flags.

Result: true if the object was found and used.

  • StringList Client.FindType('graphic', ['color'=0xFFFF], ['container'=backpack], ['flags'], ['distance'=searchObjectsDistance], ['notoriety'], [recurse=true]);

Search for an object by type and color.

    • graphic - Type or list of types. 0xFFFF is ignored.
    • color - The color or list of colors. 0xFFFF is ignored.
    • container - The container in which the search is performed.
    • flags - Search filter flags.
    • distance - The search distance.
    • notoriety - Wickedness of the desired character.
    • recurse - Recursive search for sub-containers.

Result: List of found serials.

  • void Client.Ignore('serial', [state=true]);

Set / remove the ignore flag on the serial object.

  • void Client.IgnoreReset();

Remove the ignore flag from all objects.

  • GameObject Client.FindObject('serial');

Result: an object of type GameObject or null.

  • int Client.Count('graphic', ['color'=0xFFFF], ['container'=self], ['distance'=searchObjectsDistance], [recurse]);

Returns the total number of items (the number of items, not the number of objects found).

    • graphic - Type or list of types. 0xFFFF is ignored.
    • color - The color or list of colors. 0xFFFF is ignored.
    • container - The container in which the search is performed.
    • distance - The search distance.
    • recurse - Recursive search for sub-containers.

Result: the amount of items.

  • void Client.ResetIgnoreList();

Reset the use of the ignore list.

  • void Client.UseIgnoreList('listName');

Use ignore list listName.

  • StringList Client.FindList('listName', ['container'=backpack], ['flags'], ['distance'=searchObjectsDistance], ['notoriety'], [recurse=true]);

Search for an object in the find list.

    • listName - The name of the find list.
    • container - The container in which the search is performed.
    • flags - Search filter flags.
    • distance - The search distance.
    • notoriety - Wickedness of the desired character.
    • recurse - Recursive search for sub-containers.

  • GameObject Client.ObjAtLayer('layerName', ['serial'=self]);

Result: an object of type GameObject in the specified layer of the object 'serial' or null.

  • String Client.FindFriend(['flags'=fast], ['distance'=searchObjectsDistance]);

Searching for a friend serial from friends list.

    • flags - Searching filter flags.
    • distance - Searching distance.

  • String Client.FindEnemy(['flags'=fast], ['distance'=searchObjectsDistance]);

Searching for an enemy serial from enemies list.

    • flags - Searching filter flags.
    • distance - Searching distance.


Command Format, [optionalParameters=defaultValue]);

  • void Client.AddType('typeName', ['typeValue'=targetRequest]);

Add type or select type (if typeValue isn't suggested).

  • void Client.RemoveType('typeName');

Delete type.

  • void Client.AddObject('objectName', ['objectValue'=targetRequest]);

Add object or select object (if objectValue isn't suggested)

  • void Client.RemoveObject('objectName');

Delete object.

  • void Client.AddFindList(['listName'=targetRequest], ['graphic', 'color'], ['comment']);

Add object properties or select to add object properties to Find list.

    • listName - list name. If not suggested - target selection appears to add properties to the currently selected element from the list(on the list tab), without auto-save.
    • graphic - object type.
    • color- object color.
    • comment - a comment, which will be displayed in the list.

  • void Client.ClearFindList('listName');

Delete search list with all it's content.

    • listName - list name.

  • void Client.AddIgnoreListObject(['listName'=targetRequest], ['serial'], ['comment']);

Add object to ignore list.

    • listName - list name.
    • serial - serial of the object..
    • comment - a comment, which will be displayed in the list.

  • void Client.AddIgnoreList(['listName'=targetRequest], ['graphic', 'color'], ['comment']);

Add object properties or target selection appears to add object properties to the ignore list.

    • listName - list name. If not suggested - target selection appears to add properties to the currently selected element from the list(on the list tab), without auto-save
    • graphic - Тип объекта.
    • color- object color.
    • comment - a comment, which will be displayed in the list.

  • void Client.ClearIgnoreList('listName');

Delete search list with all it's content.

    • listName - list name.

  • StringList Client.GetFriendList();

Return string list with friends id's.

  • StringList Client.GetEnemyList();

Return string list with enemies id's.

  • void Client.AddFriend('friendName', ['serial'=targetRequest]);

Add a friend or select one to add by a target if there's no 'serial' argument.

  • void Client.RemoveFriend('friendName');

Remove a friend from friends list.

  • void Client.ClearFriendList();

Clear friends list.

  • void Client.AddEnemy('enemyName', ['serial'=targetRequest]);

Add an enemy or select one to add by a target if there's no 'serial' argument.

  • void Client.RemoveEnemy('enemyName');

Remove an enemy from enemies list.

  • void Client.ClearEnemyList();

Clear enemies list.

  • void Client.SetGlobal(name, value);

Set a global variable. Value data type is always a string.

  • String Client.GetGlobal(name);

Retrieve value ( string data type ) of a global variable

Returns value of the variable or an empty string is no variable is found with such name.

  • void Client.ClearGlobals();

Clear global variables list.


Command Format, [optionalParameters=defaultValue]);

  • void Client.Info(['serial'=targetRequest]);

Display information about the object "serial" in a text box.

Request target to be aimed at the desired object, if parameters were not specified.

  • void Client.InfoTile(['lasttile'=targetRequest]);

Display information about 'lasttile' (tile, on which target was selected last time ) in the text box.

Request target to be aimed at the desired tile, if parameters were not specified.

  • String Client.GetSerial('serial');

Returns real value of the serial.

For instance: Client.GetSerial(self) or Client.GetSerial(lastcontainer) - will return the serial of the player 0x12345678

  • String Client.GetGraphic('graphic');

Return real value of "graphic".

For instance: Client.GetGraphic('bm') - will return type of blood moss, stated in Lists/Types

  • String Client.GetContainer('serial');

Return serial of the object, in which an object with "serial" is located.

Client.GetContainer(self) will return 0xFFFFFFFF (worlds serial) or Client.GetContainer(backpack) - will return serial of the player 0x12345678, since backpack container is the player, who's owning it.

  • void Client.Click(['serial'=self]);

Request click for the object serial.

  • void Client.UseObject(['serial'=self]);

Request to use (doubleclick) the object serial.

  • void Client.GetStatus(['serial'=self]);

Request for the object serial status.

  • void Client.Attack('serial');

Request to attack the object serial.

  • void Client.Hide(['serial'=targetRequest]);

Hide the object serial.

Request target selection for the object indication, if parameters were not specified.

  • void Client.RenameMount('serial', 'new name');

Rename your mount "serial".

  • void Client.Drop(['serial'=targetRequest], [count=0(all)], [x=-1, y=-1, z=0]);

Drop the item 'serial' with amount 'count' into coordinates x, y, z ; Use target if parameters were not specified.

  • void Client.DropHere(['serial'=targetRequest], [count=0(all)]);

Drop the item 'serial' under the character with amount 'count'. Request target to be aimed at the desired object, if parameters were not specified.

  • void Client.MoveItem(['serial'=targetRequest], [count=0(all)], ['container'=backpack], [x=-1, y=-1], [z=0]);

Move the object 'serial' with amount 'count' to the container 'container' into coordinates x, y, z (z when throwing on the ground), use target if parameters were not specified.

  • int Client.GetDistance('serial');

Return distance to the object.

  • int Client.GetDistance(x, y);

Return distance to the coordinates.

  • void Client.BandageSelf();


  • String ClientLastTarget();

Get the state of the global client variable LastTarget.

Result: The string with the serial.

  • void ClientLastTarget(serial);

Set the state of the client global variable LastTarget to the serial.

  • String ClientLastAttack();

Get the state of the global client variable LastAttack

Result: The string with the serial.

  • void ClientLastAttack(serial);

Set the state of the global client variable LastAttack to the serial.

  • String TargetSystemSerial();

Get the state of the global client variable TargetSystemSerial (from new target system).

Result: The string with the serial.

  • void TargetSystemSerial(serial);

Set the state of the global client variable TargetSystemSerial (from new target system) to the serial.

  • void Client.GetFriendsStatus();

Retrieves statuses of all friends in update range ( required to get updates about their hp etc. ).

  • void Client.GetEnemiesStatus();

Retrieves statuses of all enemies in update range ( required to get updates about their hp etc. ).

  • PositionObject Client.GetLastTargetPosition();

Retrieves latest coordinates of LastTarget, if object has disappeared - it will retrieve last known coordinates.

Returns: a PositionObject data type.

  • PositionObject Client.GetLastAttackPosition();

Retrieves latest coordinates of LastAttack, if object has disappeared - it will retrieve last known coordinates.

Returns: a PositionObject data type.

  • bool Client.OpenContainer('serial', ['delay'=600], ['errorTextPattern']);

Open container.

  • serial - serial of the container we're opening.

  • delay - Maximum delay for container opening action.

  • errorTextPattern - Error text. Default: 'reach that|too away'.

Returns: true if container was opened successfully.

  • bool Client.ObjectExists('serial');

Returns: true if object with 'serial' is present in OA memory.

  • String Client.RequestName('serial', ['delay'=200]);

Requests objects name. If the name is already present, it will return immediately. Otherwise name will be requested from the server.

  • serial - serial of the object we're requesting name from.

  • delay - Max delay for name requesting.

Returns: Objects name or an empty string if failed.

  • bool Client.GetProfile('serial', ['delay'=300], ['errorTextPattern']);

Retrieves characters profile.

  • serial - characters serial.

  • delay - maximum wait time for profile retrievement.

  • errorTextPattern - error pattern, default: 'reach that|too away'.

Returns true if a profile was retrieved.

  • void Client.ShowStatusbar('serial', x, y, [minimized=true]);

Show/Move status bar gump in client screen.

serial - character serial.

x - screen X coordinate.

y - screen Y coordinate.

minimized - only for your character. true will show minimized status bar, false will show expanded one.

  • void Client.CloseStatusbar('serial');

Close status bar which belongs to serial.


A group of commands to work with clothes and dress/undress.

List of layers:

1 - RightHand

2 - LeftHand

3 - Shoes

4 - Pants

5 - Shirt

6 - Helmet

7 - Gloves

8 - Ring

9 - Talisman

10 - Necklace

11 - Hair

12 - Waist

13 - InnerTorso

14 - Bracelet

15 - Face

16 - Beard

17 - MidTorso

18 - Earrings

19 - Arms

20 - Cloak

21 - Backpack

22 - Robe

23 - Eggs

24 - Legs

25 - Mount

26 - Buy

27 - Resale

28 - Sell

29 - Bank

Command Format, [optionalParameters=defaultValue]);

  • void Client.SetDressBag(['serial'=targetRequest]);

Change the serial of bag for clothes on "serial".

Request target to be aimed at the desired object, if parameters were not specified.

  • void Client.UnsetDressBag();

Reset the serial of bag.

  • void Client.SetArm ('setName');

Set the weapon/shield.

  • void Client.UnsetArm ('setName');

Clear setName.

  • void Client.SetDress ('setName');

Set the clothes in the 'setName' (except weapons and shields).

  • void Client.UnsetDress ('setName');

Clear setName.

  • void Client.Arm('setName');

Dress setName.

Before dressing, if the option of safe dressing is turned on, removes all clothes in layers 1/2 (left and right hand) and then the rest.

  • void Client.Disarm();

Disarm your weapon/shield.

  • void Client.Dress('setName');

Dress setName.

Before dressing, if the option of safe dressing is turned on, removes all clothes in layers 1/2 (left and right hand) and then the rest.

  • void Client.Undress();

Take off all but the weapons and shields.

  • void Client.Unequip ('layerName');

Remove the object from the specified layer.

  • void Client.Equip ('serial');

Dress the specified item.

  • void Client.EquipT('graphic', ['color'=0xFFFF]);

Find the item in the character backpack/sub-packs and bags with the type "graphic" and "color" (if required) and dress them.

Character Movement

Command Format, [optionalParameters=defaultValue]);

  • void Client.BlockMoving(state);

Blocks character movement.

  • bool Client.CanWalk(direction, x, y, z);

Check for the ability to take a step.

Result: true if you can step from the current coordinates (the turn is considered as a step).

  • bool Client.Step(direction, [run=false]);

Request to move a character with the ability to run.

Result: true if the step was successfully made (the turn is considered as a step).

  • bool Client.WalkTo(x, y, z, [distance=1]);

Path search to the specified coordinates until the specified distance is reached. Can be used within one screen.

Result: true if the destination or specified distance is reached.

  • void Client.StopWalking();

Cancel the path search.

  • bool Client.IsWalking();

Check: whether the character is currently moving (automatic movement).

Result: true if auto-movement is on.


Command Format, [optionalParameters=defaultValue]);

graphicOrFlags - searching filter:

  • mine - searching for cave tiles;

  • tree - searching for trees;

  • water - searching for water tiles;

  • land - searching for only land tiles;

  • any - searching of any type of tile (static tiles have higher priority over landscape).

  • bool Client.HaveTarget();

Have a target.

Resul: true if target is on.

  • void Client.WaitTargetObject('serial');

Set the target trap for object(s) serial.

  • void Client.WaitTargetType('graphic', ['color'=0xFFFF], ['container'=self], ['flags'], [recurse=true]);

Set the target trap for object, found by searching container.

    • graphic - Type or type list for search. 0xFFFF ignored.
    • color - Colour or Colour list for search. 0xFFFF ignored.
    • container - Searched Container.
    • flags - Flag Search Filters.
    • recurse - Recursive Search in subcontainers.

  • void Client.WaitTargetGround('graphic', ['color'=0xFFFF], ['distance'=searchObjectsDistance], ['flags']);

Set the target trap for object found by search on the ground.

    • graphic - Type or type list for search. 0xFFFF ignored.
    • color - Colour or Colour list for search. 0xFFFF ignored.
    • distance - Search Distance.
    • flags - Flag Search Filters.

  • void Client.WaitTargetTypeList('findListName', ['container'=self], ['flags'], [recurse=true]);

Set the target trap for object, found by searching container.

    • findListName - Search list name.
    • container - Container being searched.
    • flags - Flag Search Filters.
    • recurse - Recursive Search in subcontainers.

  • void Client.WaitTargetGroundList('findListName', ['distance'=searchObjectsDistance], ['flags']);

Set the target trap for object found by searching the ground.

    • findListName - Search list name.
    • distance - Search Distance.
    • flags - Flag Search Filters.

  • void Client.WaitTargetTile('graphic', [x, y, z]);

Set the target trap on the ground.

graphic - type of the tile, might be lasttile

x - World X coordinate

y - World Y coordinate

z - World Z coordinate

  • void Client.WaitTargetTileRelative('graphic', [x, y, z]);

Set the target trap on the ground, against Character.

graphic - type of the tile, might be lasttile

x - X coordinate bias in the world

y - Y coordinate bias in the world

z - Z coordinate bias in the world

  • void Client.CancelWaitTarget();

Cancel of the current wait of the target.

  • void Client.TargetObject('serial');

Point the target on a serial object.

  • void Client.TargetType('graphic', ['color'=0xFFFF], ['container'=self], ['flags'], [recurse=true]);

Point the target on the object found by searching container.

    • graphic - Type or type list for search. 0xFFFF ignored.
    • color - Colour or Colour list for search. 0xFFFF ignored.
    • container - Searched Container.
    • flags - Flag Search Filters.
    • recurse - Recursive Search in subcontainers.

  • void Client.TargetGround('graphic', ['color'=0xFFFF], ['distance'=searchObjectsDistance], ['flags']);

Point the target on the object found by searching the ground.

    • graphic - Type or type list for search. 0xFFFF ignored.
    • color - Colour or Colour list for search. 0xFFFF ignored.
    • distance - Search Distance.
    • flags - Flag Search Filters.

  • void Client.TargetTypeList('findListName', ['container'=self], ['flags'], [recurse=true]);

Point the target on the object found by serching container.

    • findListName - Search list name.
    • container - Container being searched.
    • flags - Flag Search Filters.
    • recurse - Recursive Search in subcontainers.

  • void Client.TargetGroundList('findListName', ['distance'=searchObjectsDistance], ['flags']);

Point the target on the object found by searching the ground.

    • findListName - Search list name.
    • distance - Search Distance.
    • flags - Flag Search Filters.

  • void Client.TargetTile('graphic', [x, y, z]);

Point target on a ground.

graphic - type of the tile, might be lasttile

x - World X coordinate

y - World Y coordinate

z - World Z coordinate

  • void Client.TargetTileRelative('graphic', [x, y, z]);

Point target on a ground against Character.

graphic - type of the tile, might be lasttile

x - X coordinate bias in the world

y - Y coordinate bias in the world

z - Z coordinate bias in the world

  • bool Client.ValidateTargetTile('graphicOrFlags', x, y);

This function checks if targeted tile is valid for targeting.

    • graphicOrFlags - tile type by graphic id or flags.
    • x - X coordinate on the map.
    • y - Y coordinate on the map.

Returns true if tile is valid for targeting.

  • bool Client.ValidateTargetTileRelative('graphicOrFlags', x, y);

This function checks if targeted tile( relative to character position on the map ) is valid for targeting.

    • graphicOrFlags - tile type by graphic id or flags.
    • x - X offset on the map.
    • y - Y offset on the map.

Returns true if tile is valid for targeting.

  • void Client.CancalTarget();

Cancels current target ( if present in client ).

  • bool Client.WaitForTarget([delay=1000]);

Awaits ( blocks execution ) for a target for 'delay' amount of time.

If client had a target already, immediately returns true.

  • int Client.GetTargetType();

Get type of target.

Returns: 0 if there's no target, 1 - neutral, 2 - harmful, 3 - helpful.

New Targeting System

Targeting this way works faster because there's no target awaiting time after any action request. The server receives action to do and target for this action with in a single packet.

Command Format, [optionalParameters=defaultValue]);

  • void Client.BandageTarget('serial');

Apply bandage to target by serial.

  • void Client.CastTarget('nameOrIndex', 'serial');

Cast a spell on target by serial.

  • void Client.UseSkillTarget('nameOrIndex', 'serial');

Use a skill on target by serial.


Command Format, [optionalParameters=defaultValue]);

  • void Client.ShowJournal([linesCount=maxLines]);

Display the journal content in a text box, linesCount - the number of output lines.

  • void Client.ClearJournal(['pattern'], ['flags'], ['serial'=0], ['color'=0xFFFF]);

Clear the journal.

Without parameters - clears the whole journal of the assistant; Otherwise it works similarly to InJournal but including deletion.

  • void Client.JournalIgnoreCase([state=false]);

Enable / disable ignoring the register for searching text in the journal.

  • JournalMessage Client.InJournal('pattern', ['flags'], ['serial'=0], ['color'=0xFFFF], [startTime=0, endTime=0]);

Search for data in the journal.

    • pattern - required string, which can consist of several lines separated via |
    • flags - search flags in the journal: my/self - search for messages with player's serial; Sys/system - search for messages in the system chat. Can be combined with: 'my|sys'.
    • serial - search for messages from the object with the specified serial. 0 ignores the filter by serial.
    • color - search for messages with the specified color. 0xFFFF ignores the filter by color.
    • startTime - initial time of search. 0 the initial time is ignored.
    • endTime - the end time of the search. 0 the end time is ignored

Result: object of the type JournalMessage or null if nothing was found.

  • JournalMessage Client.WaitJournal('pattern', startTime, endTime, [flags], ['serial'=0], ['color'=0xFFFF]);

Waiting for the appearance of data in the journal.

    • pattern - required string, which can consist of several lines separated via |
    • startTime - initial time of search. 0 the initial time is ignored.
    • endTime - the end time of the search. 0 the end time is ignored
    • flags - search flags in the journal: my/self - search for messages with player's serial; Sys/system - search for messages in the system chat. Can be combined with: 'my|sys'.
    • serial - search for messages from the object with the specified serial. 0 ignores the filter by serial.
    • color - search for messages with the specified color. 0xFFFF ignores the filter by color.

Result: object of the type JournalMessage or null if nothing was found.

  • JournalMessage Client.LastJournalMessage();

Retrieve last message from X:UO Assist journal.

Result: object of the type JournalMessage or null if nothing was found.

  • int Client.JournalCount();

Returns: Amount of messages in journal.

  • JournalMessage Client.JournalLine(index);

Returns JournalMessage by index or null of index wasn't found.


Command Format, [optionalParameters=defaultValue]);

  • void Client.InfoMenu();

Display information about the content of the last menu in the journal that came from the server.

index - gump index, -1 or lastmenu will display information about last gump ( if it was there ).

  • void Client.WaitMenu('prompt', 'choice');

Waiting for the menu with the title 'prompt' to select object 'choice'.

Choice can be numeric, it will chose a choice according to its index. You can also use 'random' - to get a random one.

  • void Client.CancelWaitMenu();

Cancel the menu waiting.

  • int Client.MenuCount();

Information about the number of open menus.

Result: the amount of open menus.

  • MenuObject Client.GetMenu('nameOrIndex');

Get the menu object by name/index.

Result: the object of type MenuObject or null if the menu with the specified name or index does not exist.

  • void Client.SelectMenu('name', 'itemName');

Make a choice in the client's open menu - 'name' of the item that named itemName.

  • void Client.CloseMenu('name');

Close the open menu 'name' in the client.

  • bool Client.WaitForMenu([delay=1000]);

Awaits ( blocks execution ) for a menu for a given 'delay' of time in ms.

Returns true is a menu was received during the given delay.


Command Format, [optionalParameters=defaultValue]);

  • void Client.HelpGump();

Request for the help menu gump of the server.

  • void Client.InfoGump([index=-1]);

Outputs data of a gump by its index. If index equals -1, last gump is taken.

  • GumpHookObjects Client.CreateGumpHook('index');

Creates a gump hook object.

index - Return-value of gump button or 'cancel' or a 0 when closing a gump with RMB.

  • void Client.WaitGump(hook);

Enables a gump hook to catch an incomming gump.

When new hook is enabled by Client.WaitGump, it will be added to a stack. All previously enabled hooks will be waiting as well.

hook - an object created by Client.CreateGumpHook.

  • void Client.CancelWaitGump();

Removes **all **enabled gump hooks .

  • int Client.GumpCount();

Returns the amount of opened gumps from OA memory.

  • GumpObject Client.GetLastGump();

Get last gump sent by server.

Returns a GumpObject or a null reference.

  • GumpObject Client.GetGump(index);

Get gump by an index.

Returns a GumpObject or a null reference.

  • GumpObject Client.GetGump(serial, id);

Get gump by serial and id.

Returns a GumpObject or a null reference.

  • bool Client.WaitForGump([delay=1000]);

Enables a gump hook and blocks thread for 'delay' amount of time in ms. Removes gump hook afterwards.

Returns true if a gump was received during delay period.

Interactions With Other Scripts

Command Format, [optionalParameters=defaultValue]);

  • void Client.Wait('delay');

Wait delay (milliseconds).

In addition, the value can take in the parameter string constants: moveitemdelay, waittargetdelay, useitemdelay, keepcorpsedelay.

  • int Client.Now();

Result: the current time in milliseconds.

  • void Client.LoadScript('filePath');

Load the script file.

  • void Client.Exec('functionName', [oneScriptRunning=false], [argumentsList]);

Start the function.

    • functionName - The name of the function to start.
    • oneScriptRunning - Check for a running instance of the function with the same name and prevent re-execution.
    • argumentsList - List of function parameters.

  • void Client.Terminate('functionName', ['functionsSave']);

Terminate the script. The function name register is important !!!

    • functionName - The name of the function to be terminated. Ends all functions with that name. If 'all' is specified - exits all functions except those that were specified in functionsSave.
    • functionsSave - Functions that do not need to be terminated are indicated by '|' ; For example, Client.Terminate ('all', 'Heal | Loot | CheckMana') - terminates all working functions except Heal, Loot, CheckMana.

  • bool Client.ScriptRunning('functionName');

Check if the script is already running.

Result: true if the script is running.

  • void Client.Launch('filePath', [arguments]);

Launching of external program from 'filePath' with optional 'arguments'.

  • bool Client.Contains(text, pattern, [ignoreCase=false]);

This function will check for a text pattern or a collection of patters ('patternOne|patternTwo|patternThree') within 'text' string. Uses same logic as text searching in UO journal.

    • text - String with text to search within.
    • pattern - String with pattern(s) to search for.
    • ignoreCase - true - Ignore case is true by default.

Returns true if there's a match.

  • StringList Client.Split(text, [separator=' '], [skipEmptyWord=true]);

This function will split 'text' string into a list of strings by separator character. Default is space character.

    • text - string of text to split.
    • separator - character used as a separator for text string.
    • skipEmptyWord - true - skips empty words by default.

Returns a list of strings.

  • String Client.OAVersion();

Returns: Current version number of OA, for example "".

  • bool Client.Connected();

Returns: true if client is connected to a server and character is already in the world.

  • String Client.Time(['format'=hh:mm:ss.zzz]);

Returns: current time, example "13:27:41.508".

  • String Client.Date(['format'=dd.MM.yyyy]);

Returns: current date, example "26.05.2017".

  • int Client.Random([value=2147483647]);

Returns: random value starting from 0 and up to value-1.

  • int Client.Random(minValue, maxValue);

Returns: random value starting from minValue and up to maxValue-1.

  • void Client.ActivateClient();

Activates client window.

  • void Client.ShutdownWindows(['mode']);

Shuts down your PC :) can add flags as 'mode'.

  • bool Client.OnOffHotkeys();

Get current state of hotkeys ( enabled/disabled )

Returns true if hotkeys are enabled, false if disabled.

  • void Client.OnOffHotkeys(state);

Sets hotkeys state.

Interactions With Files

Command Format, [optionalParameters=defaultValue]);

  • FileObject Client.NewFile();

Create a file object.

  • bool fileObject.Open('filePath');

An attempt to open a file (or create a new one) by the filePath.

Result: true if the file is successfully opened.

  • bool fileObject.Append('filePath');

An attempt to open the file by the filePath to the write-in (the pointer to the data is placed at the end of the file).

Result: true if the file is successfully opened.

  • bool fileObject.Opened();

Verify the validity of the opened file.

Result: true if the file is open.

  • void fileObject.Close();

Close the file.

  • String fileObject.ReadLine();

Read the line before the line break (\ n).

Result: The result of reading the data.

  • String fileObject.Read();

Read the word (up to blank-space " ").

Result: The result of reading the data.

  • void fileObject.WriteLine('data');

Record the data string and move the string (\ n).

  • void fileObject.Write('data');

Write down the data.

  • void fileObject.Remove(['filePath']);

Deletes file at filePath.

If filePath was an empty string or null reference, it'll close and try delete fileObject.

Text Window

TextWindow is a static reference just like Client so you can always get it.

Command Format, [optionalParameters=defaultValue]);

  • void TextWindow.Open();

Open the text box.

  • void TextWindow.Close();

Close the text box.

  • void TextWindow.Clear();

Clear the text box.

  • void TextWindow.Print('text');

Type the text in the text box.

  • void TextWindow.SetPos(x, y);

Move text windows to x and y screen coordinates.

  • void TextWindow.SetSize(width, height);

Sets text windows size by given width and height.

  • void TextWindow.SaveToFile('filePath');

Write contents of text windows into a file at filePath.


Command Format, [optionalParameters=defaultValue]);

  • void Client.Buy('shopListName', ['vendorName'], [shopDelay=0]);

Initiate buying.

This will block user input untill completed.

If shops buy list has appeared but there are no matches for buying, this process will end and resume accepting user input.

If shops buy list doesn't appear, it awaits 'shopDelay' amount of time in ms and blocks user input.

  • shopListName - name of the shop list with goods to buy.

  • vendorName - name of vendor.

  • shopDelay - buying operation delay. Will be measured automatically if passed as 0 or as default based on amount of goods to buy and 'Shop delay for 1 stack' value.

  • void Client.Sell('shopListName', ['vendorName'], [shopDelay=0]);

Initiate selling.

This will block user input untill completed.

If shops sell list has appeared but there are no matches for selling, this process will end and resume accepting user input.

If shops sell list doesn't appear, it awaits 'shopDelay' amount of time in ms and blocks user input.

  • shopListName - name of the shop list with goods to sell.

  • vendorName - name of vendor.

  • shopDelay - selling operation delay. Will be measured automatically if passed as 0 or as default based on amount of goods to sell and 'Shop delay for 1 stack' value.

  • bool Client.WaitForShop([delay=1000]);

Await for a shop gump for a given 'delay' amount of time and blocking script execution.

Returns true if a shop gump was received during this period.

Trade Window

Command Format, [optionalParameters=defaultValue]);

  • int Client.TradeCount();

Result: the amount of open menus.

  • String Client.TradeContainer('index', 'container');

Get the container serial of the trade window with the index 'index' (from 0 to TradeCount () - 1) (or using the serial index 0x12345678).

container - Window identifier, right ('right' or '1') or left ('left' or '0').

Result: serial of the container.

  • String Client.TradeOpponent('index');

Get an opponent's serial of the trade window with the index 'index' (from 0 to TradeCount () - 1) (or using the serial index 0x12345678).

Result: opponent's serial.

  • String Client.TradeName('index');

Get the opponent's name of the trade window with the index 'index' (from 0 to TradeCount () - 1) (or using the serial index 0x12345678).

Result: opponent's name.

  • bool Client.TradeCheckState('index', 'container');

Obtain the status (confirmation) of the transaction in the trade window with the index 'index' (from 0 to TradeCount () - 1) (or using serial number index 0x12345678).

container - Window identifier, right ('right' or '1') or left ('left' or '0').

Result: the status of the checkbox is true / false.

  • void Client.TradeCheck('index', state);

Change the transaction confirmation status in the trade window with the index 'index' (from 0 to TradeCount () - 1) (or using serial number index 0x12345678).

state - new state, true (tick) or false (uncheck).

  • void Client.TradeClose('index');

Close the trade window with the index 'index' (from 0 to TradeCount () - 1) (or using the serial index 0x12345678).

Introduced in

  • bool Client.WaitForTrade([delay=1000]);

Await for a trade window for a given 'delay' amount of time and blocking script execution.

Returns true if a trade window was received during this period.

Client Options

Command Format, [optionalParameters=defaultValue]);

  • bool OptionSound();

Get status of Sound option.

Result: true if enabled.

  • void OptionSound(state);

Set Sound option status.

  • int OptionSoundVolume();

Get status of Sound Volume option.

Result: Integer Value.

  • void OptionSoundVolume(value);

Set Sound Volume option status.

  • bool OptionMusic();

Get status of Music option.

Result: true if enabled.

  • void OptionMusic(state);

Set Music option status.

  • int OptionMusicVolume();

Get status of Music option.

Result: Integer Value.

  • void OptionMusicVolume(value);

Set Sound Volume option status.

  • bool OptionUseTooltips();

Get status of Use Tooltips option.

Result: true if enabled.

  • void OptionUseTooltips(state);

Set Use Tooltips option status.

  • bool OptionAlwaysRun();

Get status of Always Run option.

Result: true if enabled.

  • void OptionAlwaysRun(state);

Set Always Run option status.

  • bool OptionNewTargetSystem();

Get status of New Target System option.

Result: true if enabled.

  • void OptionNewTargetSystem(state);

Set New Target System option status.

  • bool OptionObjectHandles();

Get status of Object Handles option.

Result: true if enabled.

  • void OptionObjectHandles(state);

Set Object Handles option status.

  • bool OptionScaleSpeech();

Get status of Scale Speech Duration option.

Result: true if enabled.

  • void OptionScaleSpeech(state);

Set Scale Speech Duration option status.

  • int OptionScaleSpeechDelay();

Get status of Scale Speech Delay option.

Result: Integer Value.

  • void OptionScaleSpeechDelay(value);

Set Scale Speech Delay option status.

  • bool OptionIgnoreGuildMessages();

Get status of Ignore Guild Messages option.

Result: true if enabled.

  • void OptionIgnoreGuildMessages(state);

Set Ignore Guild Messages option status.

  • bool OptionIgnoreAllianceMessages();

Get status of Ignore Guild Messages option.

Result: true if enabled.

  • void OptionIgnoreAllianceMessages(state);

Set Ignore Alliance Messages option status.

  • bool OptionDarkNights();

Get status of Dark Nights option.

Result: true if enabled.

  • void OptionDarkNights(state);

Set Dark Nights option status.

  • bool OptionColoredLighting();

Get status of Colored Lighting option.

Result: true if enabled.

  • void OptionColoredLighting(state);

Set Colored Lighting option status.

  • bool OptionCriminalActionsQuery();

Get status of Criminal Actions Query option.

Result: true if enabled.

  • void OptionCriminalActionsQuery(state);

Set Criminal Actions Query option status.

  • bool OptionCircleOfTransparency();

Get status of Circle Of Transparency option.

Result: true if enabled.

  • void OptionCircleOfTransparency(state);

Set Circle Of Transparency option status.

  • int OptionCircleOfTransparencyValue();

Get status of Circle Of Transparency value option.

Result: Integer Value.

  • void OptionCircleOfTransparencyValue (value);

Set the Circle Of Transparency Value option status.

  • bool OptionLockResizingGameWindow ();

Get the status of the Lock Resizing Game Window option.

Result: true if enabled.

  • void OptionLockResizingGameWindow (state);

Set the Lock Resizing Game Window option status.

  • int OptionFPSValue ();

Get the state of the FPS Value option.

Result: Integer Value.

  • void OptionFPSValue (value);

Set the state of the FPS Value option.

  • bool OptionUseScalingGameWindow ();

Get the status of the Use Scaling Game Window option.

Result: true if enabled.

  • void OptionUseScalingGameWindow (state);

Set the Use Scaling Game Window option status.

  • int OptionDrawStatusState ();

Get the status of the Draw Status State option.

Result: Integer Value.

  • void OptionDrawStatusState (state);

Set the Draw Status State option status.

  • bool OptionDrawStumps ();

Get the status of the Draw Stumps option.

Result: true if enabled.

  • void OptionDrawStumps (state);

Set the Draw Stumps option status.

  • bool OptionMarkingCaves ();

Get the status of the Marking Caves option.

Result: true if enabled.

  • void OptionMarkingCaves (state);

Set the Marking Caves option status.

  • bool OptionNoVegetation ();

Get the status of the No Vegetation option.

Result: true if enabled.

  • void OptionNoVegetation (state);

Set the No Vegetation option status.

  • bool OptionNoFieldsAnimation ();

Get the status of the No Fields Animation option.

Result: true if enabled.

  • void OptionNoFieldsAnimation (state);

Set the No Fields Animation option status.

  • bool OptionStandardCharactesFrameRate ();

Get the status of the Standard Charactes FrameRate option.

Result: true if enabled.

  • void OptionStandardCharactesFrameRate (state);

Set the Standard Charactes FrameRate option status.

  • bool OptionStandardItemsFrameRate ();

Get the status of the Standard Items Frame Rate option.

Result: true if enabled.

  • void OptionStandardItemsFrameRate (state);

Set the Standard Items Frame Rate option status.

  • bool OptionLockGumpsMoving ();

Get the status of the Lock Gumps Moving option.

Result: true if enabled.

  • void OptionLockGumpsMoving (state);

Set the Lock Gumps Moving option status.

  • bool OptionEnterChat ();

Get the status of the Enter Chat option.

Result: true if enabled.

  • void OptionEnterChat (state);

Set the Enter Chat option status.

  • int OptionHiddenCharacters ();

Get the status of the Hidden Characters option.

Result: Integer Value.

  • void OptionHiddenCharacters (state);

Set the Hidden Characters option status.

  • int OptionHiddenCharactersAlpha ();

Get the status of the Hidden Characters Alpha option.

Result: Integer Value.

  • void OptionHiddenCharactersAlpha (value);

Set the Hidden Characters Alpha option status.

  • bool OptionHiddenCharactersModeOnlyForSelf ();

Get the status of the Hidden Characters Mode Only For Self option.

Result: true if enabled.

  • void OptionHiddenCharactersModeOnlyForSelf (state);

Set the Hidden Characters Mode Only For Self option status.

  • bool OptionTransparentSpellIcons ();

Get the status of the Transparent Spell Icons option.

Result: true if enabled.

  • void OptionTransparentSpellIcons (state);

Set the Transparent Spell Icons option status.

  • int OptionSpellIconsAlpha ();

Get the status of the Spell Icons Alpha option.

Result: Integer Value.

  • void OptionSpellIconsAlpha (value);

Set the Spell Icons Alpha option status.

  • bool OptionFastRotation ();

Get the status of the Fast Rotation option.

Result: true if enabled.

  • void OptionFastRotation (state);

Set the Fast Rotation option status.


Command Format, [optionalParameters=defaultValue]);

  • void Client.WaitPrompt('text', 'serial'=0, 'type'=all);

Add a prompt hook.

  • text - input text

  • serial - serial of prompt object. If serial equals 0, serial check will be ignored.

  • type - prompt type. all - all types; ascii - only ASCII prompts; unicode - only UNIDCODE prompts;

  • void Client.CancelWaitPrompt();

Cancel all prompt hooks.

  • bool Client.PrompsExists();

Returns true if a prompt is active.

  • String Client.PromptSerial();

Returns prompt serial as string.

  • String Client.PromptID();

Returns prompt id as string.

  • void Client.SendPrompt('text');

Send prompt response ( if there's a prompt active ) with text input.

Context Menu

Command Format, [optionalParameters=defaultValue]);

  • void Client.RequestContextMenu('serial');

Send a context menu request for given serial.

  • void Client.WaitContextMenu('serial', index);

Add context menu wait hook.

  • serial - serial of context menu object. If serial equals 0, serial check will be ignored.

  • index - index of context menu choice, starting with 0.

  • void Client.CancelContextMenu();

Cancel all context menu hooks.

  • bool Client.WaitForContextMenu([delay=1000]);

Awaits context menu for 'delay' amount of time in ms.

Returns true is context menu was received during this period.


Command Format, [optionalParameters=defaultValue]);

  • bool Client.TimerExists('name');

Check if timer with given name exists.

Returns true if such timer exists.

  • void Client.SetTimer('name', [delay=0]);

Create/Change timer with 'delay' as initial value. Default is 0.

  • int Client.Timer('name');

Get current value of timer by name.

Returns -1 if such timer doesn't exist .

Returns time passed from timer initiation in ms.

  • void Client.RemoveTimer('name');

Removes timer with a given name.

  • void Client.ClearTimers();

Removes all existing timers.


Command Format, [optionalParameters=defaultValue]);

  • void Client.Print(['color'], 'text');

Prints 'text' string into system chat.

If only 'text' string was passed, default color [no color] will be used.

color - message color.

text - message text.

  • void Client.CharPrint('serial', 'color', 'text');

Print a message above character with given serial.

serial - given character serial.

color - message color.

text - message text.

  • void Client.Say('text');

Display 'text' speech in client.

  • void Client.SetFontColor(state, ['color'=0x02B2]);

Changes font color of YOUR character to given color argument ( if given ) and disables/enables this feature by state argument.

state - can be either true or false.

color - message color.

  • bool Client.GetFontColor();

Returns state of Client.SetFontColor() option.

  • String Client.GetFontColorValue();

Returns color value of Client.SetFontColor() option.

  • void Client.SetCharactersFontColor(state, ['color'=0x02B2]);

Changes font color of all characters to a given color argument ( if given ) and disables/enables this feature by state argument.

state - can be either true or false.

color - message color.

  • bool Client.GetCharactersFontColor();

Returns state of Client.SetCharactersFontColor() option.

  • String Client.GetCharactersFontColorValue();

Returns color value of Client.SetCharactersFontColor() option.

  • void Client.SayYell('some text');

Do 'yelling' speech.

  • void Client.SayWhisper('some text');

Do 'whisper' speech.

  • void Client.SayEmote('some text');

Do 'emote' speech.

  • void Client.SayBroadcast('some text');

Do 'broadcast' speech.

  • void Client.SayParty('some text');

Send 'text' to party chat.

  • void Client.SayGuild('some text');

Send 'text' to guild chat.

  • void Client.SayAlliance('some text');

Send 'text' to alliance chat.


Command Format, [optionalParameters=defaultValue]);

  • void Client.OpenMap([x, y]);

Opens Client map.

If x and y were defined, moves map window to given screen coordinates.

  • void Client.MoveMap(x, y);

Moves map to given screen coordinates.

  • void Client.CloseMap();

Close Client map.

  • void Client.OpenEnhancedMap(['filePath']);

Opens Enchanced Map at 'filePath' (for example "D:\Games\UO\EnhancedMap.exe").

If 'filePath' wasn't defined, tries to open from a default location /Map/EnhancedMap.exe'

Non Categorized

Command Format, [optionalParameters=defaultValue]);

  • void Client.SaveConfig();

Save configuration.

  • void Client.SetLight(state, [value=currentLight]);

Set the light level.

state - state turn on/turn off.

value - light level value from 0 to 31.

  • void Client.SetWeather(state, [index=currentWeather], [effectsCount=currentCount], [temperature=currentTemperature]);

Set weather conditions.

state - state turn on/turn off.

index - ordinal number of the weather effect.

effectsCount - number of effects on screen.

temperature - not used.

  • void Client.SetSeason(state, [index=currentIndex], [musicIndex=currentMusic]);

Set season with number.

state - state turn on/turn off.

index - ordinal number of season.

musicIndex - music number for playback.

  • void Client.Track([state=false], [x=-1, y=-1]);

Hide/show quest arrow to the indicated coordinates. -1 in coordinates indicates current location in the world.

state - state show/hide.

x - coordinate X in the world, where the arrow points

y - coordinate Y в мире, where the arrow points

  • bool Client.SaveHotkeys('fileName');

Save current hotkey set with file name 'filename' (to the Hotkeys folder at the root of the assistant).

Result: true on successful file save.

  • bool Client.LoadHotkeys('fileName');

Load hotkey set with file name 'fileName' (from the Hotkeys folder at the root of the assistant).

Result: true on successful file load.

  • void Client.Cast(spellIndex/'spellName', ['targetSerial']);

Cast a spell 'spellName' (You can also refer to the order number in the spellbook).

If targetSerial is specified - automatically use the target on this object, otherwise - only sends a cast request to the server.

  • void Client.UseSkill(skillIndex/'skillName', ['targetSerial']);

Use skill 'skillName' (You can also refer to the order number).

If targetSerial is specified - automatically use the target on this object, otherwise - only sends a request to use skill to the server.

  • int Client.SkillValue(skillIndex/'skillName', ['type'=real]);

Get skill value 'skillName' (You can also refer to the order number).

type - value type: real, base, cap, lock.

Result: Integer value of the skill (e.g: 3.0 will be 30, 10.3 - 103, 50.8 - 508, 100.0 - 1000).

  • void Client.CloseUO();

Close game client.

  • void Client.WarMode([state=switch]);

Switch war mode.

state - turn on/turn off war mode. If not specified - switches the current state.

  • void Client.Morph(['graphic'=0]);

Change character body graphic.

Without parameters or 0 - returns body to its original state.

  • void Client.Resend();

Synchronisation with the server. Can be used every few seconds.

  • void Client.Sound(index);

Play sound index.

  • void Client.EmoteAction('actionName');

Request to emotion reproducing actionName.

  • void Client.Print(['color'], 'text');

Display in system chat

If displayed only 1 argument - string color will be standard.

color - message color.

text - text.

  • void Client.CharPrint('serial', 'color', 'text');

Display message above the character

serial - serial of the character, above who you want to display the message

color - message color

text - text.

  • void Client.Say('text');

Say in the chat 'text'

  • void Client.BuffExists('name');

Checking for buffs by name or graphic.

Result: true if buff is active.

  • void Client.SetFontColor(state, ['color'=0x02B2]);

Change text color for player character and state of this option.

state - true/false.

color - text color.

  • bool Client.GetFontColor();

Retrieve status of text replacement option for player character.

Returns true if option is enabled.

  • String Client.GetFontColorValue();

Retrieve text replacement color for player character.

Returns: text color.

  • void Client.SetCharactersFontColor(state, ['color'=0x02B2]);

Change text color used by characters for output and state of this option.

state - true/false.

color - text color.

  • bool Client.GetCharactersFontColor();

Retrieve status of text replacement option for characters.

Returns true if option is enabled.

  • String Client.GetCharactersFontColorValue();

Retrieve text replacement color for all characters.

Returns: text color.

  • void Client.UseAbility('abilityName');

Use request for an ability 'abilityName'.

'abilityName' can also be 'Primary', 'Secondary', or its real name in(can also be found in script editor context menu) or it can be ability index starting from '0' and '30' as last index.

  • void Client.UseWrestlingDisarm();

Wrestling Disarm ability use request.

  • void Client.UseWrestlingStun();

Wrestling Stun ability use request..

  • void Client.InvokeVirture('name');


  • void Client.PlayWav('filePath');

Play a *.WAV file from filePath.

  • void Client.Screenshot();

Create a screenshot.

  • void Client.LogOut();

Client log out ( client will remain running, at login screen ).

  • MacroObject Client.CreateClientMacro(['action'], ['subAction']);

Create a macro in client options.

Returns MacroObject or null reference.

  • void Client.OpenPaperdoll('serial');

Open paperdoll by serial.

  • void Client.ClosePaperdoll('serial');

Close paperdoll by serial.

  • void Client.MovePaperdoll('serial', x, y);

Move paperdoll by serial to chosen x and y coordinates on screen.

  • void Client.ClientViewRange(range);

Set clients view range ( 5 is minimal, 25 is maximal ).

  • int Client.ClientViewRange();

Get current client view range.

Returns clients view range in tiles.

  • void Client.LoadProfile('name');

Load OA profile by name.


Game Object

Command Format, [optionalParameters=defaultValue]);

  • String obj.Serial();

Result: Serial number of an Object.

  • String obj.Graphic();

Result: Type of an Object (Picture ID).

  • String obj.Color();

Result: Color of an Object.

  • int obj.X();

Result: X object coordinates in world.

  • int obj.Y();

Result: Y object coordinates in world.

  • int obj.Z();

Result: Z object coordinates in world.

  • String obj.Container();

Result: Serial number of an Main(parent)-Object. 0xFFFFFFFF if object is located in world.

  • int obj.Map();

Result: World map objects index.

  • int obj.Count();

Result: Quantity

  • int obj.Flags();

Result: Object flags.

  • String obj.Name();

Result: Name of an Object (empty for items, until click on object).

  • bool obj.Mobile();

Result: true is object is alive.

  • bool obj.Ignored();

Result: true - if object is marked as ignored.

  • bool obj.Frozen();

Result: true - if object is frozen.

  • bool obj.Poisoned();

Result: true - if object is poisoned.

  • bool obj.Flying();

Result: true - if object is flying (gargoyle).

  • bool obj.YellowHits();

Result: true - if object has yellow health bar.

  • bool obj.IgnoreCharacters();

Result: true - if object is ignoring players while moving.

  • bool obj.Locked();

Result: true - if object cant be moved or marked (items).

  • bool obj.WarMode();

Result: true - if object is in war mode.

  • bool obj.Hidden();

Result: true - if object is invisible.

  • bool obj.IsHuman();

Result: true - if object is attacking humanoid.

  • bool obj.IsPlayer();

Result: true - if object is current player.

  • bool obj.IsCorpse();

Result: true - if object is dead body.

  • int obj.Layer();

Result: Number of Layer - object is located in.

  • bool obj.IsMulti();

Result: true - if object is - Multi.

  • int obj.EquipLayer();

Result: Number of Layer - object is supposed to locate in.

  • int obj.Hits();

Result: Hit points amount of an Object.

  • int obj.MaxHits();

Result: Maximum hit points amount of an Object.

  • int obj.Mana();

Result: Mana amount of an Object.

  • int obj.MaxMana();

Result: Maximum mana amount of an Object.

  • int obj.Stam();

Result: Stamina amount of an Object.

  • int obj.MaxStam();

Result: Maximum stamina amount of an Object.

  • bool obj.Female();

Result: true - if object player is a female gender.

  • int obj.Race();

Result: Race number of an Object.

  • int obj.Direction();

Result: Direction of an Object.

  • int obj.Notoriety();

Result: Wickedness of an Object.

  • bool obj.CanChangeName();

Result: true - if object can be renamed.

  • bool obj.Dead();

Result: true - if object is dead.

  • bool obj.Exists();

Result: true - if object does not exist.

  • String obj.Properties();

Returns string with object properties ( if they were received by MegaCliloc packet from server )

  • bool obj.ProfileReceived();

Returns true if profile was received from server.

  • String obj.Profile();

Returns profile contents.

  • String obj.Title();

Returns characters title ( displayed in paperdoll ).

Player Character

Command Format, [optionalParameters=defaultValue]);

  • String obj.Serial();

Result: Serial number of an Object.

  • String obj.Graphic();

Result: Type of an Object (Picture ID).

  • String obj.Color();

Result: Color of an Object.

  • int obj.X();

Result: X object coordinates in the world.

  • int obj.Y();

Result: Y object coordinates in the world.

  • int obj.Z();

Result: Z object coordinates in the world.

  • String obj.Container();

Result: Serial number of an Main(parent)-Object. 0xFFFFFFFF if object is located in world.

  • int obj.Map();

Result: World map objects index.

  • int obj.Count();

Result: Quantity.

  • int obj.Flags();

Result: Object flags.

  • String obj.Name();

Result: Name of an Objext (empty for items, until click on object).

  • bool obj.Mobile();

Result: true is object is alive.

  • bool obj.Ignored();

Result: true - if object is marked as ignored.

  • bool obj.Frozen();

Result: true - if object is frozen.

  • bool obj.Poisoned();

Result: true - if object is poisoned.

  • bool obj.Paralyzed();

Result:true - if object is paralyzed.

  • bool obj.Flying();

Result: true - if object is flying (gargoyle).

  • bool obj.YellowHits();

Result: true - if object has yellow health bar.

  • bool obj.IgnoreCharacters();

Result: true - if object is ignoring players while moving.

  • bool obj.Locked();

Result: true - if object cant be moved or marked (items).

  • bool obj.WarMode();

Result: true - if object is in war mode

  • bool obj.Hidden();

Result: true - if object is invisible.

  • bool obj.IsHuman();

Result: true - if object is attacking humanoid.

  • bool obj.IsPlayer();

Result: true - if object is current player.

  • bool obj.IsCorpse();

Result: true - if object is dead body.

  • int obj.Layer();

Result: Number of Layer - object is located in.

  • bool obj.IsMulti();

Result: true - if object is - Multi.

  • int obj.EquipLayer();

Result: Number of Layer - object is supposed to locate in.

  • int obj.Hits();

Result: Hit points amount of an Object.

  • int obj.MaxHits();

Result: Maximum hit points amount of an Object.

  • int obj.Mana();

Result: Mana amount of an Object.

  • int obj.MaxMana();

Result: Maximum mana amount of an Object.

  • int obj.Stam();

Result: Stamina amount of an Object.

  • int obj.MaxStam();

Result: Maximum stamina amount of an Object.

  • bool obj.Female();

Result: true - if object player is a female gender.

  • int obj.Race();

Result: Race number of an Object.

  • int obj.Direction();

Result: Direction of an Object.

  • int obj.Notoriety();

Result: Wickedness of an Object.

  • bool obj.CanChangeName();

Result: true - if object can be renamed.

  • bool obj.Dead();

Result: true - if object is dead.

  • int obj.Str();

Result: Str value of an Object.

  • int obj.Int();

Result: Int value of an Object.

  • int obj.Dex();

Result: Dex value of an Object.

  • int obj.LockStrState();

Result: The value perspective gaining Str of an Object.

  • int obj.LockIntState();

Result: The value perspective gaining Int of an Object.

  • int obj.LockDexState();

Result: The value perspective gaining Dex of an Object.

  • int obj.Weight();

Result: Weight value of an object.

  • int obj.MaxWeight();

Result: Maximum weight value of an object.

  • int obj.Armor();

Result: Armor value of an Object.

  • int obj.Gold();

Result: Gold value of an Object.

  • int obj.StatsCap();

Result: Maximum Statcap value (str+int+dex) of an Object.

  • int obj.Followers();

Result: Creature quantity tamed to an Object.

  • int obj.MaxFollowers();

Result: Maximum creature quantity that can be dependent to an Object.

  • int obj.FireResistance();

Result: Fire defence value of an Object.

  • int obj.ColdResistance();

Result: Cold defence value of an Object.

  • int obj.PoisonResistance();

Result: Poison defence value of an Object.

  • int obj.EnergyResistance();

Result: Energy defence value of an Object.

  • int obj.Luck();

Result: Luck value of an Object.

  • int obj.MinDamage();

Result: Minimal damage value of an Object.

  • int obj.MaxDamage();

Result: Maximum damage value of an Object.

  • int obj.TithingPoints();

Result: Skill point value of an Object.

  • int obj.StealthSteps();

Result: Number of steps in Stealth of an Object.

  • String obj.Properties();

Returns string with object properties ( if they were received by MegaCliloc packet from server )

  • bool obj.ProfileReceived();

Returns true if profile was received from server.

  • String obj.Profile();

Returns profile contents.

  • String obj.Title();

Returns characters title ( displayed in paperdoll ).

Journal Message

Command Format, [optionalParameters=defaultValue]);

  • String msg.Serial();

Result: Serial number of an Object, bounded with message.

  • int msg.Timer();

Result: Temporary mark of the message.

  • String msg.Color();

Result: Color of the message.

  • String msg.Text();

Result: Message text.

  • int msg.Flags();

Result: Message flags.

  • int msg.FindTextID();

Result: Text index in search request from 0 to the number of sets in request.

  • void msg.SetText('newText');

Change journal message to 'newText' string.

Menu Object

Command Format, [optionalParameters=defaultValue]);

  • String menu.Serial();

Result: Menu serial number.

  • String menu.ID();

Result: Menu identifier number.

  • String menu.Name();

Result: Menu name.

  • bool menu.IsGrayMenu();

Result: Gray Menu (chart) or normal.

  • void menu.Select(index);

Choose menu by index element under current menu.

  • void menu.Select('name');

Choose menu by item name under current menu.

  • void menu.Close();

Close current menu without changes.

  • int menu.ItemsCount();

Result: Item quantity in the menu.

  • int menu.ItemID(index);

Result: ID of an item menu under specified index.

  • String menu.ItemGraphic(index);

Result: Graphic of an item menu under specified index.

  • String menu.ItemColor(index);

Result: Color of an item menu under specified index.

  • String menu.ItemName(index);

Result: Name of an item menu under specified index.

Object Coordinates

Command Format, [optionalParameters=defaultValue]);

  • int pos.X();

Returns: x coordinate.

  • int pos.Y();

Returns: y coordinate.

Gump Object


Command Format, [optionalParameters=defaultValue]);

  • int gump.Serial();

Returns gump serial.

  • int gump.ID();

Returns gump id.

  • int gump.X();

Returns gumps X screen coordinate.

  • int gump.Y();

Returns gumps Y screen coordinate.

  • bool gump.Replayed();

Returns true If gump response was already made.

  • int gump.ReplyID();

Returns response button id if Replayed() was true.

  • StringList gump.ButtonList();

Returns a list of all buttons within a gump.

  • StringList gump.CheckboxList();

Returns a list with all checkboxes within a gump.

  • StringList gump.RadioList();

Returns a list with all radio buttons within a gump.

  • StringList gump.TilepicList();

Returns a list with all tile pics within a gump.

  • StringList gump.GumppicList();

Returns a list with all gump pics within a gump.

  • StringList gump.EntriesList();

Returns a list with all text entries within a gump.

  • StringList gump.CommandList();

Returns a list with all commands within a gump ( in same order as received from server ).

  • StringList gump.TextList();

Returns a list with all strings within a gump ( in same order as received from server ).

  • String gump.Command(index);

Returns gump command by index.

  • String gump.Text(index);

Returns gump textby index.

  • bool gump.Select(hook);

Selects gump by a hook object (GumpHookObject).

Returns true if successfull.

  • void gump.Close();

Gump Hook


Command Format, [optionalParameters=defaultValue]);

  • int hook.Index();

Returns button index to select by this hook.

  • void hook.AddEntry(index, 'text');

Adds a TextEntry hook by index and inputs text string.

index - index of text entry.

text - text entry input string.

  • void hook.AddCheck(index, state);

Adds a hook for radio/checkbox and sets the state.

index - button index.

state - input state ( true/false).

Selected Tile

SelectedTile is a static reference just like Client so you can always get it. You can reassign this reference by targeting something.

Command Format, [optionalParameters=defaultValue]);

  • String SelectedTile.Serial();

Returns serial of selected tile ( if it's an in-game item, not land art ).

  • String SelectedTile.Graphic();

Returns graphic id/type of selected tile.

  • String SelectedTile.Color();

Returns color of selected tile.

  • int SelectedTile.X();

Returns x coordinate value of selected tile.

  • int SelectedTile.Y();

Returns y coordinate value of selected tile.

  • int SelectedTile.Z();

Returns z coordinate value of selected tile.

  • String SelectedTile.LandGraphic();

Returns graphics id/type of land art of selected tile.

  • int SelectedTile.LandX();

Returns land x coordinate ( will be same as SelectedTile.X() )

  • int SelectedTile.LandY();

Returns land y coordinate ( will be same as SelectedTile.Y() )

  • int SelectedTile.LandZ();

Returns land z coordinate ( CAN BE different from SelectedTile.Z() )

  • bool SelectedTile.IsLandTile();

Returns true if this is a land tile.

  • bool SelectedTile.IsStaticTile();

Returns true if this is a static/multi tile.

  • bool SelectedTile.IsGameObject();

Returns true if this is a game object.

Client Macro Object Class

Command Format, [optionalParameters=defaultValue]);

MacroObject Client.CreateClientMacro('action', ['subAction']);

Creates a MacroObject instance with gives action and possible subactions.

Returns a MacroObject object.


//This creates a 'BandageSelf' client macro and instantly executes it.
Client.CreateClientMacro('BandageSelf').Play(false, 1000);

void macro.AddAction('action', ['subAction']);

Add action entry to macros.

void macro.Play([waitWhileMacroPlaying=false], [delay=100500]);

Play macro in client.

Attention! Only 1 macro can be played in client at a time!

Multiple requests to play a macro while there's a macro already playing will cancel each other out. Last requested macro will be played.

waitWhileMacroPlaying Will wait if there's a macro already playing.

delay Delay to wait for current macro completion.